Occupational Health

What We Do for You

If you are somebody whose job involves sitting at a desk while staring at a computer screen for the majority of the day then the chances are that you have probably suffered with at least one of the following problems:

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Occupational Health

Massage for office workers is becoming more and more popular and studies have shown that office workers who are massaged regularly are more alert, perform better, and are less stressed than those who are not massaged. As well as this, massage has been shown to decrease the likelihood of work related disorders, such as repetitive stress injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome.

The access of this therapy can be tricky for some which in turn can cause grief not only to these office employees but also to their employers when their symptoms worsen resulting in absent workers. However, the availability of this treatment needn’t be an issue as massage can be carried out almost anywhere. This is why workplace massage is becoming an increasingly popular trend and many companies are now often providing regular massage sessions as an incentive and an investment in their employees well-being.

Benefits of our Occupational Massage to your Business

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Benefits of our Occupational Massage to your Staff

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At The Treatment Room, we’re dedicated to helping you get back to your best. Our team of practitioners are ready to take your health to the next level.

To book your appointment or inquire about our services, you can:

We look forward to being a part of your wellness journey. Your well-being is our top priority, and we can’t wait to welcome you to The Treatment Room sometime soon.

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