RJO Massage Therapy – How can Massage Therapy Help You

Massage therapy is the manipulation of soft tissues such as muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments, to improve an individuals health, well-being and performance. Depending on your needs, massage therapy can help to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain and promote quality of health.

Here at The Treatment Room, our Massage Therapy team can provide Sports Massage, Occupational Massage, and Prenatal Massage. Each coming with varied aims and techniques tailored for your needs.

Sports massage entails the management, manipulation and rehabilitation of these soft tissues for any sports based clients and pathologies.

Helping to:

  • Improve sport performance
  • Injury prevention, treatment and recovery
  • Reduce muscle tension and stiffness
  • Improve range of movement/ flexibility
  • Reduce pain

Occupational massage is becoming more and more popular, with many studies showing that regularly massaged office workers are more alert, perform better, and are less stressed than those who are not massaged.

If you are somebody whose job involves sitting at a desk while staring at a computer screen for the majority of the day then the chances are that you have or will probably suffer with at least one of the following problems:

  • Tension Headaches
  • Shoulder tightness
  • Back pain
  • Stress
  • A repetitive strain injury. e.g. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Prenatal massage shares many of the goals of regular massage but paying special attention to reduce any discomforts occurring during pregnancy. Our Treatment Room therapists aim to reduce any aches and pains to allow for a more comfortable and happy pregnancy.

The benefits of Prenatal massage are:

  • Reduce Lower Back Pain
  • Reduce symptoms of Chronic Headaches
  • Decrease in Stress Levels
  • Promote Relaxation
  • Reduce Swelling
  • Reduce Muscle Aches
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