Hand and Wrist Injuries
Hand and Wrist Injuries
The hand is composed of many different bones, muscles, and ligaments that allow for a large amount of movement and dexterity. There are 3 major types of bones in the hand itself, including:
Phalanges: The 14 bones that are found in the fingers of each hand and also in the toes of each foot. Each finger has 3 phalanges (the distal, middle, and proximal); the thumb only has 2.
Metacarpal bones: The 5 bones that compose the middle part of the hand.
Carpal bones: The 8 bones that create the wrist. The carpal bones are connected to 2 bones of the arm, the ulnar bone and the radius bone.
Common conditions treated:
- Wrist and hand Fractures
- Collies fracture – Bennetts
- Distal Radius
- Bennets fracture